General Guidelines

Hello everyone!!

No matter whether your goal is weight loss or
just for a healthy lifestyle and general well-being,

I will emphasize on the importance of eating clean, home-cooked, with least possible processing, lots of fruits and veggies.

Do you know, that weight loss is 80% diet and just 20% workout.

Even if you aren't aiming for weight loss, healthy eating is crucial coz:-
1) Proper nutrients are a must for young and growing children.

2) For adults, it maintains their health, giving them enough energy
to be able to work hard and smart, it also prevents onset of diseases in later stages of life.

3) For those in their midlife, it allows them to have good, energy, health and prevents chronic diseses.

Also, keep these things in mind, especially if you are just starting out.

  • 1)Always remember to warm-up and cool-down before and after workout.
  • 2)I would recommend you to start with guided video workouts, if you are a newbie.
  • 3)Always remember, the quality of your workouts is much more important than the time spent/no of reps.
  • 4)Learn and workout only in proper posture for maximum benefits and to prevent injury.
  • 5)Incorporate a variety of workouts in your routine.
  • 6)Do remember to have an active rest day atleast twice a week.
  • 7)If you are alone, and in need of a workout buddy, just workout along with the video workouts.
  • 8)Try to add challenges, variety and increase your workout levels.
  • 9)If you are just in it for the general health and fitness ,
    workout for about 150 mins per week at a moderate intensity.
  • 10)If you are aiming for weight loss, workout for about 300 mins per week at a moderate-high intensity level.
  • 11)If you are a newbie, remember to start it small and slow, but be consistent.
  • 12)Eat healthy for maximum results and just good overall health.
  • 13)Try to move as much as possible and remember,better diet, enough sleep, taking stairs, regular exercise, are key to better health